Tag Archives: Misinformation

Pandemic Reminds Us to Pay Attention to Lack of Supplement Regulation in the U.S.

By | November 21, 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, health misinformation has been soaring across the internet and social media platforms. Despite a lack of supplement regulation, vitamin and supplement use have seen a sudden 28% increase in the US and a 25% increase globally during COVID-19. Vitamin C supplements have gained particular attention because of studies finding it might reduce… Read More »

Helping People with ASD Find the Right Information: Interview with Speech Pathologist Lauren Ross

By | December 4, 2018

If you have a question, how do you find the answer? Many of us do a quick Google search or search out the answer at a library.  However, people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families face many challenges and barriers when trying to locate information. A recent episode of the (highly recommended) podcast… Read More »